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Basic information about the social educational project "University of Parent Education"

"University of Parenting Education" (hereinafter the University) is a social, educational project of the International Humanitarian and Pedagogical Institute "Beit Khana" (hereinafter the Institute).

The project is focused on the citizens of Dnipro who strive to receive additional, non-formal education. There are no age or social restrictions.

Mission of the University: supporting the preservation of the social, intellectual and psychological activity of a person, by satisfying his educational, cognitive and personal needs for self-development and self-realization.

Image: University - is a holistic, fundamental, social, educational project, where in the process of informal education, a person can join the secret of scientific knowledge and the treasure of spirituality.

Values: Personality, society, tolerance, wisdom, public and national identity, spirituality, responsible professionalism.

The university is provided with information and material and technical resources. The Institute's leading, scientific and pedagogical workers are attracted to teaching at the University. Classes are held in the institute's classrooms using modern multimedia and technical training tools.

The program of the University is represented by various branches, in particular, pedagogy, psychology, philosophy, and Judaica.

Lecturers use such interactive forms and methods of training as lectures-conversations, discussions, master classes, trainings, work in groups, etc.

Students of the University have the opportunity to attend scientific and practical conferences held on the basis of the Institute or other open мероприятия. 

Classes are held once a month, on Sundays. 

Upon completion of training, students receive a certificate.

Photo report. Started busy on November 17, 2019. 

Photo gallery of the University of Parent Education 2018-2019.

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© 2017 International Humanities and Pedagogical Institute "Beit Khana"

We are in touch

Phone: +38 (056) 717-70-34 



Pl. Uspenskaya, 5, Dnipro, 49000, Ukraine

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