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     Beit Khana International Humanitarian and Pedagogical Institute was founded in 1995. Over 25 years of activity, Beit Khana MSPI has trained more than 800 preschool teachers, elementary school teachers, psychologists who work in the education system of Ukraine, Europe, the United States, and Israel.

    "Beit Hana" is the only university in Ukraine where students have the opportunity to study Hebrew, the history and traditions of the Jewish people, and at the end of their studies teach these subjects in schools and kindergartens with the study of Hebrew, history and traditions of the Jewish people.  

     In MGPI "Beit-Khana" a unique environment has been created for obtaining high-quality professional education,_cc781905-395c-395debb0-395de0 136bad5cf58d_   with the participation of an international partner - Orot Israel Pedagogical College (Elkana, Israel) 

Vision, mission, strategy

► VISION: the institute consists in the formation of conditions for personal goal-setting of project-cultural collective-distributed activities with the mediation of education - goal-setting in relation to the processes of globalization and regionalization on the planet and in Ukraine; in the formation of professional competence of future specialists in accordance with the requirements of real employers and stakeholders, implementation of the conditions of professional training and assistance in the employment of graduates, continuous professional consulting support in the growth of a teacher and psychologist as a specialist of the 21st century.

► The MISSION of the institute is to further improve a person, provide conditions and mechanisms for the school to fully reveal and increase the cultural potential of society, improving the mechanisms of the organization of personalized intellectual evolution, continuously modernizing the tools for the disclosure and self-realization of a person in accordance with individual capabilities and in relation to universal, world, universal by processes; in the further development and improvement of educational and professional programs from directed (specialties) training of highly qualified workers in accordance with the requirements of ensuring the quality of education in the European educational space and creating future education through the acquisition of wisdom and observance of the best ethnocultural traditions.


- philo-centrism and tolerance on a humanistic basis;

- democracy combined with education;

- scientific and academic virtue;

- leadership, association and student self-government;

- innovative and creative development;

- motivation creates good for all subjects of the educational process;

-Transparency and openness of all procedures and directed activities of the Institute

   Practically since the beginning of hostilities in Ukraine, the "Beit Khana" MSPI joined the charitable activities of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Ukraine. Assistance with the evacuation of the civilian population from the places of hostilities, the provision of humanitarian aid to those who find themselves in a difficult situation, the provision of essential medicine, the provision of emergency psychological assistance became a priority task for the temporarily created division of the institute - the call center, which included the rector, teachers and employees of the institute. United by the slogan of the FEG of Ukraine "Charity brings salvation", we are proud that our "Beit Khana" MSPI is involved in the provision of humanitarian aid to all those affected by the war in Ukraine!

      We believe in victory!



   Our higher education institution includes a lyceum, college and institute. Currently, the institute offers training at the following levels of higher education and specialties:



013 "Primary education", 012 "Preschool education", 053 "Psychology", 054 "Economics"


013 "Primary education", 053 "Psychology"

      Educational programs of the first (bachelor's) and second (master's) levels of higher education offer students blocks of free choice of educational components -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ aimed at the formation of related competencies: "Inclusive education", "Information and communication technologies in the professional activity of a teacher and psychologist". 


      The most important component of the training of specialists at Beit-Khana Polytechnic Institute, which ensures its uniqueness, is the block of student free choice which includes disciplines of the ethno-cultural component based on the study of Judaism: modern literary Hebrew, history and traditions of the Jewish people, classical Jewish texts, Jewish literature.



      The students of "Beit Khana" take language practice and an internship in Linguistics on the basis of "Orgo Isel Pedagogical College" Elkana, Israel). In addition, students are offered participation in the joint program of Beit Hana University of Applied Sciences and Orot Israel College "Teacher of the Diaspora", upon completion of which students receive a double certificate with the qualification "Teacher of the Diaspora". 

"Orot Israel" and MGPI "Beit Hana" have a long-term partnership. Rector of the college, doctor of philosophy, professor Rav Neria Gotel is a frequent guest of the "Beit Khana" institute. Such meetings provide an opportunity for professional communication, exchange of valuable experience, and serve as an incentive for growth.



     Сильные стороны образовательных программ МГПИ "Бейт-Хана" _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_– this is high-quality professional training, formation of leadership qualities; grants for obtaining full higher education; practice and internships abroad (Poland, Israel); guaranteed employment, comfortable living.

Administration of the institute

Meir Zvy Stambler

President of the institute

Rimma Semenovna

Rector of the institute

Maryna Vitalyevna

Vice-rector for academic work;

Director of the Humanities College

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Iryna Valentinovna Fedorenko

Director of the Humanitarian Lyceum

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© 2017 International Humanities and Pedagogical Institute "Beit Khana"

We are in touch

Phone: +38 (056) 717-70-34 



Pl. Uspenskaya, 5, Dnipro, 49000, Ukraine

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