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До уваги вступників!

на навчання для здобуття ступеня магістра на основі НРК 6, НРК 7, зі спеціальностей 013 Початкова освіта та 053 Психологія

Areas of training and specialization

Higher educational institution "International Humanitarian and Pedagogical Institute
"Beit-Khana" carries out educational activities in accordance with the license of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in the following areas and specialties:

FIELD OF KNOWLEDGE: 01 Education/Pedagogy

SPECIALTY NAME: 012Pre-school education

EDUCATIONAL AND QUALIFIED LEVEL: junior professional bachelor (full-time study)

PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION: teacher of preschool education

A specialist can hold   such primary positions:

  • educator of early and preschool children;

  • teacher of preschool education.


Term  study: 3 years 10 months based on basic general secondary education (9 classes)

FIELD OF KNOWLEDGE: 01 Education/Pedagogy

SPECIALTY:012 Preschool education

EDUCATION LEVEL: bachelor's degree (full-time and part-time study)

PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION: bachelor of  preschool education


A specialist can hold the following positions:

  • Methodist educator;

  • teacher of preschool education in preschool education institutions 

  • educator  in preschool development centers;


Term of study: 3 years and 10 months on the basis of full general secondary education.

Shortened  study period 1 year 10 months on the basis of the educationally qualified level "junior specialist", "junior bachelor"   by specialty.

FIELD OF KNOWLEDGE: 01 Education/Pedagogy

SPECIALTY: 013Primary education

EDUCATIONAL AND QUALIFIED LEVEL: junior  professional bachelor   (full-time education)

PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION: primary education teacher

A specialist can hold the following primary positions:

  • teacher of grades 1–4;

  • teacher of the extended day group;

  • primary school teacher with the right to teach Hebrew.


Study period: 3 years 10 months based on basic general secondary education (9 classes) ​

FIELD OF KNOWLEDGE: 01 Education/Pedagogy

SPECIALTY: 013Primary education

EDUCATION LEVEL: bachelor's degree (full-time and part-time study)

PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION: bachelor  primary  education

A specialist can hold the following positions:

  • teacher of grades 1-4;

  • teacher of the extended day group;

  • primary school teacher with the right to teach Hebrew;


Study period: 3 years 10 months  on the basis of complete general secondary education.

Reduced term of study 1 year 10 months based on the educationally qualified level "junior specialist" by profession.

FIELD OF KNOWLEDGE: 01 Education/Pedagogy

SPECIALTY:013 Primary education

EDUCATION DEGREE: master's degree (evening and part-time study)

PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION: master's degree in elementary education

A specialist can hold the following positions:

  • primary school teacher;

  • primary school teacher with the right to teach Hebrew;

  • childhood protection inspector;

  • consultant of the medical-psychological-pedagogical service;

  • employee of the child development center;

  • head of the educational part of the primary  school.

Study period: 1 year 4 months on the basis of a bachelor's, specialist's, master's degree.

FIELD OF KNOWLEDGE: 05 Social and behavioral sciences

SPECIALTY: 053Psychology

EDUCATION DEGREE: bachelor's degree (full-time and part-time study)



A specialist can hold the following positions:

  • practical psychologist in educational institutions;

  • practical psychologist at enterprises;

  • consultant psychologist;

  • laboratory assistant (psychological research).


Study period: 3 years and 10 months on the basis of complete general secondary education.


FIELD OF KNOWLEDGE: 05 Social and behavioral sciences

SPECIALTY: 053Psychology

EDUCATION DEGREE: master's degree (evening and part-time study)

PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION: master's degree in psychology


A specialist can hold the following positions:

  • practical psychologist;

  • Junior Research Fellow;

  • a practical psychologist in the bodies of state power and management;

  • consultant of the medical-psychological-pedagogical commission;

  • head of the structural unit - chief specialist;

  • a practical psychologist in the bodies of state power and management.


Study period: 1 year 4 months on the basis of a bachelor's, specialist's, master's degree.


FIELD OF KNOWLEDGE: 05 Social and behavioral sciences

SPECIALTY: 051Economy

EDUCATION LEVEL: bachelor's degree (full-time and part-time study)



A specialist can hold the following positions:

  • broker; specialist in   exchange operations; specialist in maintaining the register of owners of registered securities;

  • asset management specialist; specialist in financial and economic security; specialist-organizer of trading on the securities market;

  • insurance agent; insurance expert consultant;

  • real estate agent; realtor;

  • commercial agent; trade agent; trade inspector; inspector-commodity expert;

  • credit inspector; inspector of the exchange point;

  • administrative assistant; personnel inspector;

  • tax agent; advertising agent; impresario; advertising representative.


The term of study is 3 years and 10 months on the basis of complete general secondary education.

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© 2017 International Humanities and Pedagogical Institute "Beit Khana"

We are in touch

Phone: +38 (056) 717-70-34 



Pl. Uspenskaya, 5, Dnipro, 49000, Ukraine

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